Flappy Bird
I had nothing to do one day after school in 11th grade and decided to use p5.js (processing) to recreate Flappy Bird. Below is a copy of the code as well as a working version of the game. Press Start and use the Return Key to play.
Code (p5):
// Define Variables
let pipes
let bird
let back
let pipeX1
let pipeX2
let pipeX3
let pipeY1
let pipeY2
let pipeY3
let gravity
let birdY
let up
let score
let startButton
let resetButton
// Load in images
function preload() {
pipes = loadImage('pipes.png');
bird = loadImage('bird.png')
back = loadImage('Background.jpg')
function setup() {
// Create start button
startButton = createButton('Start');
startButton.position(19, 19);
// Run start function if start button is pressed
// Set up screen
createCanvas(400, 600);
// Define x locations of 3 pipes
pipeX1 = 210
pipeX2 = 440
pipeX3 = 680
// Initial speed is 0
speed = 0
// Create random y locations for pipes
pipeY1 = random(-450,-199)
pipeY2 = random(-450,-199)
pipeY3 = random(-450,-199)
// Create starting y position of bird and set gravity to 0
birdY = -400
gravity = 0
up = 0
score = 0
// Set speed and gravity to begin game
function start() {
speed = -3
gravity = 4
// Reset back to initial state
function reset() {
birdY = -400
speed = -3
gravity = 4
pipeX1 = 210
pipeX2 = 440
pipeX3 = 680
birdY = birdY + gravity
score = 0
function die() {
// If you go past x loc of pipe
if (pipeX1 >= -53.5 && pipeX1 <= 30) {
// Check to see if out of the y bounds of pipe
if (birdY <= pipeY1-42 || birdY >= pipeY1+68) {
// end game
speed = 0
gravity = 20
if (keyIsDown(RETURN)) {
birdY = birdY + 16
// Same for second pipe
if (pipeX2 >= -53.5 && pipeX2 <= 30) {
if (birdY <= pipeY2-42 || birdY >= pipeY2+68) {
speed = 0
gravity = 20
if (keyIsDown(RETURN)) {
birdY = birdY + 16
// Same for third pipe
if (pipeX3 >= -53.5 && pipeX3 <= 30) {
if (birdY <= pipeY3-42 || birdY >= pipeY3+68) {
speed = 0
gravity = 20
if (keyIsDown(RETURN)) {
birdY = birdY + 16
// Animate screen
function draw() {
if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) {
image(back, 0,0)
// Make pipes move
pipeX1 += speed
pipeX2 += speed
pipeX3 += speed
// Define the images and locations
image(pipes, pipeX1, pipeY1);
image(pipes, pipeX2, pipeY2)
image(pipes, pipeX3, pipeY3)
// Handle pipes moving off screen
if (pipeX1 < -270) {
pipeX1 = 440
pipeX1 += speed
pipeY1 = random(-450,-199)
if (pipeX2 < -270) {
pipeX2 = 440
pipeX2 += speed
pipeY2 = random(-450,-199)
if (pipeX3 < -270) {
pipeX3 = 440
pipeX3 += speed
pipeY3 = random(-450,-199)
if (keyIsDown(RETURN)) {
birdY = birdY - 8
} else {
birdY = birdY + gravity
// Define bird location
image(bird, 25, birdY)
// Handle scoring
if (pipeX1 == -85 || pipeX1 == -86 || pipeX1 == -87)
score = score + 1
if (pipeX2 == -85 || pipeX2 == -86 || pipeX2 == -87)
score = score + 1
if (pipeX3 == -85 || pipeX3 == -86 || pipeX3 == -87)
score = score + 1
// Handle game over --> Print score and show reset button
if (birdY > -34) {
birdY = -34
speed = 0
text('Game Over', 110, 300)
text('Score: ' + score, 110, 340)
resetButton = createButton('Reset');
resetButton.position(19, 19);
} else {
text(score, 180, 30)